About Me
I still can't say "life coaching" with a straight face...
If you had told me five years ago that I would ever employ a "life coach" much less become something of a coach myself, I probably would have laughed until I choked.
As a professor and intellectual, not to mention life-long feminist and sometime-union activist, I thought most personal development stuff was politically conservative, not to mention a scam. I was profoundly allergic to anything woo. I was the only person I knew who found Brené Brown annoying.​

And, actually, none of that has changed. What did change is just one crucial thing:
I found a form of coaching designed for smart, skeptical people: logical, rigorous, analytical and mind-blowingly effective. It is 100% woo-free, but its results can look and feel like magic. In half a year, I went from not even knowing why I was so miserable to being the calmest person I know, and happier than I thought possible. I learned skills that keep me clear, focused, in tune with myself, moving toward my goals but possessed of a firm belief in my worth no matter my external achievements.​
In just six months, I learned something profound and essential about how to live better as a human that changed everything for me. And, to my enduring surprise, I learned it from life coaching.
This is coaching for smart, skeptical people.
It's logical, analytical, and 100% woo-free—with results that can look and feel like magic.
So while I still don't love the "life coach" name or the cheesy reputation, I'm too pragmatic to argue with results—and this shit works.
I now help clients create the same kind of profound changes in their own lives and minds as I did in mine. This kind of coaching is like a change capsule: you go into it with one set of beliefs about how you'll always feel and what you can achieve, and you come out having put yourself another level entirely. It's exciting, challenging, fun and profound, and you will never be the same.
My coaching practice builds on 15 years of mentoring, advising and teacher as a university lecturer (college professor in American terminology), including supervising many students to successful completion of the PhD and beyond. I am currently a Reader in Contemporary Literature, Culture and Theory at King's College in London, and I have published two academic books and numerous articles. My most recent book, The Microeconomic Mode: Political Subjectivity and Contemporary Popular Aesthetics (Columbia UP, 2018) was awarded the Matei Calinescu Prize by the Modern Language Association and the Monograph Prize by the British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies.
My coaching programme is like a change capsule. You go into it with one set of beliefs about how you'll always feel and what you can achieve, and you come out having put yourself on another level entirely